Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2011-07-13 15:50:46


Looping PPTX as introduction

We have Connect 8 Meeting and would like to use a looping PPTX for the introductory lobby.  Is that possible?  If so, how?  When I "Share" my looping PPTX, it does not loop in Connect 8 Meeting.


#2 2011-07-14 10:01:24


Re: Looping PPTX as introduction

share your ppt.  click the 'sync' button to see the play controls, choose the play button, then click 'sync' again. 
you have now started your presentation 'playing', and if the loop control has been properly set, the presentation will loop indefinitely.



#3 2011-07-14 10:40:05


Re: Looping PPTX as introduction

Thank you, Greg, I followed your steps but it still isn't working.  My slide show loops when I view it in PPT.  However, in Connect Meeting, it stops at the last slide.  Is this an issue with Adobe Connect 8 Meeting versus Adobe Presenter?  Or is it because I am using PPT 2010?  Also, the transition timing is much slower in Connect than it is in PPT Slide Show.


#4 2011-07-14 12:00:55


Re: Looping PPTX as introduction

are you setting the looping via powerpoint? (set up slide show area/option)??
if so, that doesn't translate to the document once uploaded to connect.  you'll need to set looping in Presenter (if you have it), then follow the steps i mentioned.



#5 2011-07-14 12:02:47


Re: Looping PPTX as introduction

No, we do not have Presenter, just Connect Meeting.  That being said, apparently it's not possible?  Thank you for your help with this.


#6 2011-07-14 17:42:55


Re: Looping PPTX as introduction

Ok, so it's not the easiest thing to do, but here is how you can get it to loop without Presenter.

Upload the PPT(X) to Connect (you did this)
If you didn't originally put it in the content library, move it there. Your My Content folder is fine.
Select the presentation in your content folder.
Select the Download Content option up top, and then download the zip of the output files.
Extract the Zip file.
Go into the Data folder
Open the viewer.xml file with Notepad or DreamWeaver or something equally useful.
On line 2 of the XML file, you should see something like:

<presentation width="720" height="540" defaultSlideDuration="5" start="play"  buildNum="">

After the "start="play"" item put loop="true"

<presentation width="720" height="540" defaultSlideDuration="5" start="play" loop="true" buildNum="">

Re-zip the package and upload it back to the room or the content library.
It should then loop in the room when you hit play.


#7 2011-07-15 10:52:48


Re: Looping PPTX as introduction

GREAT TIP, Jorma. Had no idea that could be done.


#8 2011-07-15 15:12:34


Re: Looping PPTX as introduction

Nothing like spending a few days going through the XML! It's amazing what you can find.

Though I still haven't found the way to get the "Lock Slides" feature to not show that pad lock icon...


#9 2011-10-04 16:24:46


Re: Looping PPTX as introduction

I also do not have Presenter, but Jorma's tip seemed what I needed.  The only thing is that when I right click on the viewer.xml file I do not have an option to open with a specific program...only open and it doesn't appear as if I can edit the file
Any help appreciated


#10 2011-10-04 16:53:28


Re: Looping PPTX as introduction

You should be able to edit the XML file in Note Pad. If you need an application (that is free) to do this in, get Note Pad ++.

If you select open and it asks you to find a program, just go find Note Pad.


#11 2012-02-20 15:16:48


Re: Looping PPTX as introduction

I've checked out the resources in here and can't seem to come up with an updated version of the Adobe Connect default Lobby Slides.  The latest ones I found were from an article published in 2008 that still referenced Breeze.

Does anybody have some default lobby slides that do the basic elements like instruct attendees on how to ask questions via the Q&A pod?



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