Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2010-01-18 04:53:04


There is a problem with the security certificate from this website

Hi all,

We own multiple Connect Pro hosted accounts. Since this weekend we are getting Certificate messeges when trying to enter a meeting room or backend. We are getting it on different computers and different browsers. It says the certificate Adobe uses is expired on the 14th of this month! Does someone knows anything about this? Does Adobe knows about this?

Are there people with the same issues?




#2 2010-01-18 08:16:43


Re: There is a problem with the security certificate from this website

We had the same issue with our emea account. Adobe acknowledged there was an issue and it was finally resolved around 11am GMT this morning. You'd think Adobe would be able to keep track of when certificates expire.....


#3 2010-01-18 08:29:43


Re: There is a problem with the security certificate from this website

Well im happy it is working again. Even the Support people didnt know what the issue was.

Think we can lock this topic..



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