Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-10-06 16:27:03


Expire user accounts after 4 weeks? Please help!

Is there any way in connect pro to expire a user account after a certain amount of time? I see that you can set a "close date" for a curriculum, but this would get cumbersome. Would be nice to expire the actual user account, or at least unenroll them from a class or remove them from a  certain group. 

thanks for any help!!!


#2 2009-10-07 17:37:16


Re: Expire user accounts after 4 weeks? Please help!

Unfortunately, this functionality isn't available out-of-the-box.  However, if you're familiar with ConnectPro's XML APIs, you could write a simple application that could do this for you.   Basically, you just need to read in the list of learners for a course (use permissions-info), then remove them from the list on a certain data (use permissions-update).


#3 2009-10-13 16:08:58


Re: Expire user accounts after 4 weeks? Please help!

Thanks Quinn! I dont know how to do this myself, do you know where I could find someone who would do this? Of course we can pay for someone's time.


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