Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-09-23 14:16:01


What does the Add-In do specifically?

I was under the impression that a user needed the add-in to share their screen among opther things, but when I promoted a participant to a host in my meeting today they could show their screen without loading the add-in.

Does anyone know what features in Connect require the add-in?




#2 2009-09-24 10:54:27


Re: What does the Add-In do specifically?

The add-in isn't necessarily required, without it the meeting will load in your browser. The biggest advantage to using the add in is in the speed of meeting. You can still use all of the features available in ACP but they will be slow. Run two meeting instances side by side, one with the add in and one with out. You'll see the difference.


#3 2009-09-24 11:41:21


Re: What does the Add-In do specifically?

Erik, are you sure that the Participant promoted to Host had never loaded the add-in prior to the meeting? I've had this happen before, and as it turned out, the participant was on a shared computer, and the add-in was loaded on it at some other time, just not by that person specifically.


#4 2009-09-24 12:48:52


Re: What does the Add-In do specifically?

Jeff - I was on a demo with 15 people, so I didn't stop to check her settings to know for sure, but she said that this was her first time in a Connect Room. 

The issue with this customer is installing the add-in on the fly when promoting participants to presenters or hosts as they are locked down.  I'm not sure if she were part of the locked down group or not.

My goal here was to get a list of things the add-in is necessary for to go back to them with a solution that will work for their use case.


#5 2009-09-24 18:54:42


Re: What does the Add-In do specifically?

The add-in is not necessarily permanent. It must be install per user per computer. So if you  have two users on a single computer it must be install for both users, conversely if you have one user on two computer you will need to install in on both computers.

It is installed as a first party cookie. If you are regularly getting rid of cookies, select only third party cookies to be removed and you shouldn't have to continually install the add-in for users.


#6 2009-09-25 00:36:56


Re: What does the Add-In do specifically?

The Connect add-in is required to:

Share your screen
Used Enhanced Echo Cancellation with VoIP

Computers without the add-in installed definitely cannot screenshare without the add-in.


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