Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-11-16 12:42:46


how to determine whether the current user is an administrator


For various reasons, I need to determine whether the currently logged-in user is part of the Administrators group. I'm using the XML API.  Can someone tell me the easiest way of doing this or refer me to a resource which can help? I've checked the API documentation but can't seem to find anything relevant. 

Thanks for your help.


#2 2009-11-16 16:45:50


Re: how to determine whether the current user is an administrator

the 'using enterprise web services' pdf, has, on page 40 under 'check which users are in a group' info which should point you in the right direction.  (your page # may differ, I've had the doc for a while. search for 'check which users are in a group' the chapter is called 'Basics')

If you know the person's principal-id you can run this:


use your url, and your admin group id#

This will return all admins, iterate through for the principal id you are looking for.

or, the next section of the same document shows how to list all groups a user belongs to.

there's a link to the enterprise web services pdf here:



#3 2009-11-17 08:52:56


Re: how to determine whether the current user is an administrator

Thanks for your quick reply - very useful! For anyone else wishing to do the same, here's the process;

- call common-info to get the logged-in-users principal id (called userId)
- call principal-list with a filter of "filter-type=admins" to get the principal-id of the admin group
- call principal-list again with  "group-id=[admin-principal-id]&filter-is-member=true" and loop through each of the returned nodes looking for the user-principal-id which you got in step 1.

Last edited by **_keithl8041_** (2009-11-20 11:42:22)


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