Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-08-18 09:24:02


Connecting to room with the session parameter fails a second time

We use the xml api to log a user in and fetch the room, and redirect to the room with the session parameter attached:


the first time it works without any problems, but as soon as the window is closed, and we want to start
another session with another user without quitting the browser, the previous session cookie does not get overwritten anymore, and the second user cannot log in to the room.

Restarting the browser clears the BREEZESESSION cookie, but closing the breeze window and trying to connect again does not.

It looks like the new service pack, might read the BREEZESESSION cookie first, instead of the session parameter in the url.

Is there any way to change this behaviour?

Freddie Tilley


#2 2009-08-19 03:23:42


Re: Connecting to room with the session parameter fails a second time

Okay, I have found a solution/workaround to the problem:

the connect pro server runs on the domain: connectpro.mydomain
the authenticator runs on the domain: authenticator.mydomain

by changing the DOMAIN_COOKIE variable to ".mydomain" in the appservers config.ini

authenticator.mydomain is allowed to destroy the cookie before logging in


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