Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-07-09 13:10:11


Does anyone require participants to take a AC test?

I work for a university, and I have many students using Adobe Connect.  I email them before the meetings or classes begin and ask them to take a brief quiz to get to know Adobe Connect, and to test their computer and headset/mirophone out.  But, the majority of them do not do this and show up online and interupt the class or meeting with technical problem- mainly audio. 

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to actually get people to test their computer and audio before a meeting?  Thanks in advance.


#2 2009-07-09 13:36:48


Re: Does anyone require participants to take a AC test?

At the end of the day, you can't force their hand in most cases.  However, you do have an advantage since it is a requirement for the class that their setup works.  Maybe you can make an initial class where you use this time to make sure everyone is setup.  This way they would not be interupting the class.  I know it isn't the best solution, but would at least avoid the interuption.  You could also use the first part of a class so you don't loose an entire class.

Just a thought.


#3 2009-07-10 08:27:49


Re: Does anyone require participants to take a AC test?

I agree, you can't force them to run tests, unless you hold something over their head. I would make it a class requirement/homework to have the tech stuff figured out (or at least a good faith effort) before the meeting. You could set up a meeting room where they can play around, and ask them to fill out a poll in the meeting room for tracking purposes. Or they just have to leave a message in the chat box or something.


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