Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-05-28 10:49:55


External Reporting option for Adobe Connect Pro

We are currently evaluating Adobe Connect Pro and I was wondering if there is a better reporting option other than the less than stellar built in functionality.


#2 2009-05-28 22:56:13


Re: External Reporting option for Adobe Connect Pro

You could look a building your own application that pulls data through the XML API calls. This was done a while ago by a company called WebAssist and their product was called NutShell. The reporting was amazing but the tool was dropped with V7 of the tool due to the "reports" module that Adobe released with SP1.

You could reach out to WebAssist and I'm sure that they could put you in touch with the right people there to talk about NutShell and how it worked. It was an Ajax based app that collected the data from Connect and put it into reports of your choosing (including recurring automated reports).


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