Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-03-24 10:53:03


Want to block Flash Context Menu on right Click

I recently got Adobe Captivate 4 and have been learning to use it mostly by trial and error. I am facing a problem that each time I tried to add a right click functionality and publish the swf file, I always see the flash context menu. I tried this article " … print.html" to block the flash menu from popping up when using right click but this solution is not working on my Adobe Captivate 4.0 projects.
The article provides a file "" which contains 'Myprogram.html' and 'RightClick.js' files. I modified both of these files according to the instructions in the article and try to publish the captivate project and while disabling Enable Accessibility option(Edit > Preferences > Project > Publish Settings) before publishing the project but what happens is it do block the flash context menu from popping up but the movie doesn't advance forward to what it should do on the right click.

I would appreciate if somebody can help me with this problem.

thank you.



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