Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-02-17 08:47:20


Hosting an extended event with hundreds of viewers

We've developed a need to host a virtual user group meeting that will span 2 days (about 10-12 hrs) and involve a lot of live technical presentations (desktop, smartboard and video.) We currently have a virtual classroom using Connect Pro which is working well with multiple cameras, VOIP and desktop sharing.

It will be single threaded (ie: one presentation at a time) and all of the presenters will be in the same place. It will also be one-way audio (we are going to use chat for questions back to the presenters.)

We expect to have a worldwide audience of 300-500 viewers with about 2/3 of them in North America.

This is a one-off affair. It might happen again in a couple of years, but not any sooner.

We have the near end technology working OK, but I am unclear on what transport technology or offering is best suited to holding such an event. This audience is far too large for our current licensing.

Any input would be welcome.




#2 2009-02-17 09:46:20


Re: Hosting an extended event with hundreds of viewers

Message sent to you :)


#3 2009-02-19 10:18:13


Re: Hosting an extended event with hundreds of viewers

@J@RE - too bad you didn't post your response here. it might be intersting to others. like me :) we're hosting a 2-day workshop


#4 2009-02-19 11:22:42


Re: Hosting an extended event with hundreds of viewers

El-Yot - Typically the type of reply Jeff made is done so because it is more direct business related and less appropriate for the dicussion forums.  I am sure Jeff would be happy to help if you have the same need.

Regarding your concern and and Connect disconnecting, you can set your meeting length to 6 hours, which would keep the room open for the 4-5 that you need plus a little.  That being said, you use the interenet for Connect Meeting and you cannot predict if someone will have network issues, which could cause them to disconnect.

If you have other questions, let us know.



#5 2009-02-19 12:00:53


Re: Hosting an extended event with hundreds of viewers

Indeed you can set you meeting time to many, many hours (I think the drop down menu UI goes to just over 12 hours).  You should not have any issue with setting the time of your meeting to a bit longer than you really need.  In fact, I believe the duration menu option is more a reference for the invitation that you might send out to customers (or a note to yourself) more than a value that will end your meeting room.  I believe a meeting room can idle (have nothing move on the screen or change) for quite some time before the Connect server will timeout and end a meeting room.  But lets not just keep meeting rooms open or have meeting rooms open and recording going on (not that it hogs bandwidth or disk space) its just not a best practice.  Standard Connect meeting rooms have a set capacity (read your license to see what you have) but if your attendee requirements ever exceed that you can ask your sales rep about a Connect Seminar room which is specifically made for large capacity attendee meetings.  You should be fine.


#6 2009-02-19 12:21:58


Re: Hosting an extended event with hundreds of viewers

roysdenc wrote:

El-Yot - Typically the type of reply Jeff made is done so because it is more direct business related and less appropriate for the dicussion forums.  I am sure Jeff would be happy to help if you have the same need.

Regarding your concern and and Connect disconnecting, you can set your meeting length to 6 hours, which would keep the room open for the 4-5 that you need plus a little.  That being said, you use the interenet for Connect Meeting and you cannot predict if someone will have network issues, which could cause them to disconnect.

If you have other questions, let us know.


Thank you, Chris. I'd be more than happy to post my suggestion here.

The main reason that I sent a message instead of posting my suggestion here is because it is in fact, direct business. My suggestion to the thread starter would be a 30 Day Seminar Room, or if it is going to be recurring event (weekly, monthly, etc.) adding a Seminar Room to their existing Hosted or Licensed (On-Premise) deployment of Connect Pro. For those who are unaware of the capability of a Seminar Room, they are rooms that have a minimum of 200 Seats to start, and can be increased accordingly. They are typically used for webinars and the like. Both of the aforementioned options are available only through a Connect Pro reseller, which we are at RealEyes Connect.

Hence, a message was dispatched instead of an immediate suggestion. I hope that clarifies!


#7 2009-03-03 07:49:48


Re: Hosting an extended event with hundreds of viewers

thanks for all the helpful replies.


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