Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-02-05 14:43:09


User import - preserving existing recordings


We have Connect  Pro 6.  We've completed testing (new project) with our test group and are ready for a full user import from Active Directory.  We've been told that we should blow away the existing user group as the import would cause a duplication of the test group of users.  If we blow away the test user group, their content goes away with them.

The question is that there are recordings up in the Shared Content area that need to be preserved.  Will these recordings get blown away with all users or will they remain in the Shared Content area?

I have tested the zip method of downloading the recordings to my PC, however when uploaded the zip back up to the content area and played it back, content within certain pods (Share Pod, Poll Pod) did not play back.

Any thoughts?  Instructions on how to go get the recordings from within the filesystem?

Much thanks everyone...



#2 2009-02-05 17:33:52


Re: User import - preserving existing recordings

Why would the new import cause a duplication? You should be able to sync the test accounts with AD - if the account exists, leave it be; if it doesn't exist, create a new Connect account.

Maybe I'm wrong - we haven't implemented LDAP sync yet - but that was my understanding of how it worked. Otherwise what's the point of regular LDAP syncs?


#3 2009-02-05 17:52:20


Re: User import - preserving existing recordings

Based on my experience, if the content in question is in the shared content area, it should not be affected, as it is in a shared area.  We always use the shared content part of the library because we have a variety of people who may touch a presentation from PP creation to actual presnetation and recording.  We even store recordings in shared content.  Due to poeple changing positions, we have deleted old author accounts and added new people in without affecting any of our content in the shared content area, so maybe that answers your question.

Hope this helps.



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