Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2017-04-24 15:00:26


Connection speeds

Hi All,

I have two users that used the Adobe connect for a webinar and they reported a lot of buffering going on while in the office but a 3rd person outside the office had no issues. When I was able to run the connection speed test on my own laptop on our company wireless it showed the connection speed as LAN but when I run the same test on the same network on the users Surface Pro 4 it is detecting it's wireless connection speed as "modem". I believe that is the cause of their buffering but I am not sure what I should be looking into to see what it causing it, is there a known issue with surfaces' wifi that connect doesn't like or is there a specific setting I am not looking at that I can change or update on my end? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


#2 2017-04-26 10:31:40


Re: Connection speeds

To test if it is a MS Surface specific issue, you should try connecting to the Connect room on a different network with the Surface. If it still shows modem speed connectivity, it may be an issue with that computer. If it shows improved connectivity, then it is likely a network issue.

In either case it may be a firewall or a network setting that blocks or limits traffic over the RTMP protocol on port 1935 or RTMPS on port 443. It may require a discussion with IT to allow traffic from Connect within that network.


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