Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2008-12-11 12:56:06


Document in Share Pod Keeps Loading

A faculty member came to me with this problem:

"... another person, with presenter rights, was using document sharing.  It started to repeatedly load in diminishing windows while he had control.  I took back control but it kept loading.  We finally stopped it by closing the sharing pod.  This took place about an hour into the meeting.  I have not seen it happen at other times but a couple of my colleagues said they had seen it before."

The only thing I could imagine might have happened is that the Presenter kept clicking the Open button, because the the file didn't load immediately.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?
Any ideas what might be the cause of the problem?


#2 2008-12-17 01:22:05


Re: Document in Share Pod Keeps Loading

Do you have access to look at your server logs (licensed?) for that meeting? That would probably be the best place to start. If not you can enable the add in debug option to get a log file there that might give you some additional details why it's not loading.

Do you know how large the document was that the user was trying to share? Are these presenters on wireless?


#3 2008-12-17 16:36:44


Re: Document in Share Pod Keeps Loading

The problem is the file seems to keep loading.
Would looking at logs give use useful info.?

I have no more details then what I gave.

I appreciate your help - any other insights would be great.



#4 2008-12-18 12:29:12


Re: Document in Share Pod Keeps Loading

My first guess is that it sounds as if the 'Preview' button was pressed while the Presenter was screensharing. My guess is that document sharing was mistaken for screensharing, perhaps?

My next guess would be that if it was in fact document sharing, then the .swf wasn't encoded to play nice with Connect. I've see this a few times too when a person downloads a .swf from the Internet, and it was originally encoded to be played within a specific player, not independently. For instance, games that are downloaded in .swf format from here:
These are games that if downloaded and upped to a Share Pod, will not only auto-enlarge, but will load uncontrollably when the room is opened. These have been known to be a nightmare, and the only way to get rid of it is to re-create the entire Meeting Room because the content cannot be deleted through Connect Pro Central, and with the Share Pod being loaded by the .swf, it resets the Meeting Room and starts it over again.

I hope that helps!

Last edited by **_Jeff_at_RealEyes_** (2008-12-18 12:29:50)


#5 2009-01-05 14:10:54


Re: Document in Share Pod Keeps Loading

I think this occurs when you share your desktop with the document opened on the desktop and Connect open.  Your start an infinite loop.


#6 2009-01-05 15:10:37


Re: Document in Share Pod Keeps Loading

Good call!  Does it look like a bunch of windows opening with the same document and it just keeps getting smaller and smaller as it goes?


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