Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2008-11-18 10:51:19


Control of Video and Audio Pods


I cannot find where Connect Pro allows the Host to control the video or audio pods by turning them on or off from the Host position. I know that the Host can allow participants to activate the video and audio functions.  Suggest that future development of the product add the function that would allow the Hosts to turn video and audio off and  on from the Host's computer.

We work in a multi-classroom setting with several people in each of the classrooms which are viewing the presentation.  It would be useful for us as Hosts to be able to turn their mics and cameras on and off, or freeze the camera view, as if we were controlling them from the participants' computers.

Do not see that as a current feature, so am offering that it be considered in future revisions.



#2 2008-11-18 11:43:42


Re: Control of Video and Audio Pods

Hey Thomas,

This is an interesting suggestion.  Right now, the flash player (used by Connect Pro) requires permission from the owner of the capture device before it can be used.  This is to respect privacy settings - most people wouldn't want someone else to turn on their webcam without their knowledge.  While I doubt that the product would remove the need to get permission, it might be a nice feature to give the host this control once permission is given.

What do others think of this?



#3 2008-11-18 14:05:55


Re: Control of Video and Audio Pods

Thanks for considering it. Would agree that ultimate permission should be in the participant's hands.  A way for them to consent should be incorporated--too many other situations where permission is important. 

In our situation, if the Host has permission from the participant, then each "classroom" connected would not have to have someone present looking after the computer turning these off and on.  It would allow the teacher to control that, which is what teachers do anyway.  The alternative re video pods would be to have them all on, which is not practicable, I understand, for a hosted account from a bandwidth usage perspective.  Here's a screen shot of one of our classes--very useful to have the live camera during part of the class:

And if the video pods were separated, a particular class could be dragged onto the screen so as to preserve real estate when not needed.  Now we leave all pods on, have them freeeze the video, then instruct a particular class to unfreeze.




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