Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2016-05-16 01:16:01

Zvonko Martinovic

Bug report: presentation crashing meeting

Don't know if this is the best place, but I'd like to report a bug. One of our users (we have on-premises installation) has uploaded presentation that crashes Adobe Connect meeting - it freezes browser or crashes add-in. After inspecting presentation I have found out that there is a problem with one image on one slide. Problem happens only on this specific slide. If I extract image and put it in other presentation, it works ok. Here's the link where you can download the presentation Hope that this bug will be solved in next update :)

Just to mention, it crashed both Connect 9.4 and 9.5.



#2 2016-05-16 13:30:33


Re: Bug report: presentation crashing meeting

Sounds like you just need to re-insert the image or save it as a different image and then reinsert it.

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