Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2016-04-01 22:16:45


Private ScreenShare

Hi All,

I'm just getting started with Adobe Connect. I just have a few getting started questions.

Let's say I have 80 participants and I need to share a users screen to help with an individual user issue ... but I don't want all users to see the users screen.

Currently if I request access to the users screen a share window pops up and all 80 users will see the users screen.

Is there a way of only me viewing or controlling the users screen without everyone else seeing it.

I've been tinkering with breakout rooms but it does't seem perfect to create a breakout room just so I can help a single user. For example, all 80 users then receive an alert telling them that they are now in a breakout room .... plus users get upgraded to Presenters.

I'd love to simply allow all other users to continue looking at their current Layout and allow only me to see the new share window.

Is there an easy way to handle private screen shares?



#2 2016-04-04 07:21:52


Re: Private ScreenShare


I have used the Single Breakout room technique in classes when I need to provide 1:1 assistance. Since I use it frequently the audience tolerates it well, and they are not disturbed by the conversation since the person I am helping and I "step out into the hall" (i.e. the B/O room) to have our conversation. So my first bit of advice would be to simply tell them what is going on, and tell them to ignore the pop up...the plus side of the pop up is that they can still get your attention (Send Message to Hosts) if they really need you.

However, it never hurts to have a plan here is what I do in those cases where a B/O room is not the right option.

Open your Presenter Only Area
Create a Share pod in the POA
Clean your POA so nothing sensitive is showing (or cover it with the share pod...Presenters will not be able to move it, so this is an easy fix)
Promote the person to Presenter
Coach them to use the Share Pod you put in the POA to share their screen
Open your POA wide enough so you can see their screen

You can still screen share your screen even if the share pod is in the POA, so this can be a sneaky way to handle your situation.

The drawback is that you will still have all 79 other users listening to the feedback.

Hope that helps, let us know what you decide!


~ Slinger


#3 2016-04-05 03:00:59


Re: Private ScreenShare

Hey Slinger - thanks for your thoughts!

Yeah I don't feel comfortable with the breakout just yet, but your second solution looks very interesting.

What do most people do, just warn people that everyone will see their screen? Are there ever concerns of sensitive information or imagery being seen by others during a screen share? Or because people tend to share a specific window or app, is it usually not an issue?

We work with children so I'm very sensitive about any risk of sensitive content being shared.

Any other thoughts, ideas or upcoming features ;-) which could help to provide a smooth private screen share solution would be great.

Thanks again Slinger,



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