Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2016-03-17 15:27:15

phil w.

Event Management - Handling photos/bios for multiple presenters

We host webinars with 2 or more presenters but the event management set-up only allows for 1 presenter's photo, 1 speaker's bio, etc.  How do you handle 2 or more presenters/speakers on the various pages (registration, etc.)?

Is the only solution to hard code a template with the photos of each speaker and the bios of each speaker?  Will that even work?

Or do you make the banner image a collage of the speakers?


#2 2016-03-17 16:56:26


Re: Event Management - Handling photos/bios for multiple presenters

When I have had events with multiple speakers, I end up just creating a custom template with the speaker page made up to include all the speakers. I don't think there is a faster/easier method, but once you have one with mutiple speakers created, you can just clone it and adjust the speaker information and that doesn't take too much time.


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