Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2008-09-16 10:28:56


ARGH Connect slowed to a crawl, had to cancel training

30 minutes into a 2-hour custom training session with 15 people on the other end (only one connection on their side, they were in a conference room), while sharing my screen, my Connect Standard account slowed to a glacial crawl. (I was logged on as a guest from another computer so I could monitor.) My cursor moved in fits and starts around the screen but dialog boxes that I opened never appeared. Switching to a different window, stopping screen sharing and starting, nothing helped.

I then tried ending the meeting, and trying to connect with ConnectNow at Again... a speed so slow, just trying to get the ConnectNow window to show, that it was impossible to hold the meeting.

We've tentatively rescheduled to later this afternoon. As soon as I apologized for the umpteenth time and we ended the conference call (no we weren't using VOIP), I went to to do a speed test on my DSL line. The speed was fine, at 6K down and 1K up... same as always. (Or is that 6M/1M? I never remember. But you know what I mean.)

So that brings me to my questions:
1) Is there a URL where I can check Connect server speed, to help me diagnose or plan for slow-downs?
2) What back-up screen sharing service are people using? Getting 15 busy staff members freed up for a 2-hour training is difficult enough ... they would've preferred to wait the 10 minutes while I logged onto NetMeeting or whatever, than have to reconvene in the conference room at a later time. Being caught without a backup plan was so excruciatingly embarrassing, I can't tell you.


Last edited by **_amarie_** (2008-09-16 10:30:15)


#2 2008-09-16 11:03:47


Re: ARGH Connect slowed to a crawl, had to cancel training

To save on bandwidth demands when screen sharing you should make sure your monitor is set to 1024 X 768. That reduces the amount of information that has to be pushed across the internet.

To verify your internet connectivity while having issues, there is a tool in the help menu. Select Help > Trouble Shooting. You will then go to the Connect test page that will test your connection to the connect server, your flash player version, your internet connection speed and whether you have the connect add-in. That may bring up some issue that can then be resolved.


#3 2008-09-16 13:00:43


Re: ARGH Connect slowed to a crawl, had to cancel training

Also for some additional suggestions you should also try to close any applications on that could also be using bandwidth on that connection (mail applications, IM, etc). Although they don't use a lot, if your having problems you will want to keep them closed to eliminate them as issues either for bandwidth or CPU issues.

Even though your DSL tests showed that speed at the time you tested, it may not have been that way during your meeting.

Also, if you weren't already - make sure you are hardwired on your internet connection and not using wireless. Eliminate that as a possible issue with wireless being the problem.


#4 2008-09-17 15:18:57


Re: ARGH Connect slowed to a crawl, had to cancel training

I agree with all of the other posters.

In addition, you can also check your speed and lag inside of your connect room.  There is a small green light in the top right hand side of your connect room.  The bar will have a lock in it if you are connecting via SSL.  If your bandwidth is an issue, the green bar will be cut in half (it will be half as tall as it normally is).

Better yet, you can hover over the green light and get specific information on your connection speed.


#5 2008-10-12 14:39:02


Re: ARGH Connect slowed to a crawl, had to cancel training

Thanks all. Luckily the afternoon meeting went by smoothly.

I did notice the green thingy upper right and the reporting it gives if you hover, but I wasn't sure about the significance of the numbers it reported. Is there a target I should be looking for?

Since that awful day I've switched to a DSL plan that the ISP says is more "business-class," bought a new router (old one was about 5 years old), installed new filters on the DSL lines, and moved to a higher end hosted Connect room. And yes, I am on a wired connection.

I've had numerous 2-hour Connect sessions since then and so far (fingers crossed, knocking on wood, etc.) so good.



#6 2008-10-13 08:12:45


Re: ARGH Connect slowed to a crawl, had to cancel training

Has anyone ever noticed that hosted accounts at are particularly vulnerable at about 5 minutes before the top of the hour?  I can be in a meeting at say, 9:55am or 10:55am (central time) and we will experience terrible delays in our ongoing meeting.  I imagine that it is the logon process for other accounts that is impacting our meeting.

Anyone else ever notice this?


#7 2008-10-20 15:47:41


Re: ARGH Connect slowed to a crawl, had to cancel training

I have some kind of problem with audio or video every time we have a meeting. Usually 3 people video and VOIP at 1024x768. The delay is most certainly with adobe hosting. We all have very fast business-class connections at 2M up and 6M down. We have tweaked every probable setting with size, quality...and are about to give up on connect pro. For the premium price we pay, we should have a premium service.


#8 2008-10-21 10:26:23


Re: ARGH Connect slowed to a crawl, had to cancel training

Last week I hosted 4 - 1-hour plus webcasts (30+ attendees) and I have to say that the audio/video was pretty solid.  We do have some glitches at the 5-minutes before the top of the hour, but they were pretty small (just lost a short sentence here and there).

It's still not as reliable a phone call, but was pretty good considering it's subject to the vagaries of the 'net.


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