Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2008-09-24 20:14:01


hosting live webcast using connect


I have a real basic question --- any help would be so much appreciated.

I have adobe connect enterprise so we have the servers our offices in chicago. If i wanted to take my lap top to say, georgia, and conduct a live webcast of a meeting there - could i just simply take a video camera, and my lap top? how does the video go over the internet connection to our servers in chicago and out to the public? IF anyone has a "dummy" explanation of this - please let me know!  We would just have one camera facing one speaker. No multicamera or anything. And what about the audio? Any info, tips, etc would be appreciated!

Thank you so much,


#2 2008-09-25 01:43:40


Re: hosting live webcast using connect

Hi There,

You should not have any problems achieving the results you outline below as long as you have a reliable internet connection in Georgia (or wherever you are hosting your meeting).  However, without knowing the details of your implementation, there are a few things you should be aware of.

Since you have a licensed version of the software, there is a chance that it is being hosted behind your company firewall.  If this is the case, you'll just need to make sure you are VPN'ed into your company network.

As far as audio you have a few options.  You can use the Voice-over-IP capabilities of the product to do this.  However, if you are planning on doing this, it is STRONGLY recommended that you (and any other user who will be sharing audio) run through the Audio Setup Wizard first.  Optionally, you could use an integrated teleconference provided by one of our audio conferencing providers.  Or the last option would be to use a traditional, non-integrated telephone conference (of if the meeting is between two sites, you could just call each other directly).

I would advise that you check out these visual quick start guides in the tutorials area of this site (

Visual Quick Start: Getting Started with Connect Pro Meeting
Visual Quick Start: Meeting Troubleshooting Guide

These documents should help you get started with the meetings. 

One more thing, it probably wouldn't hurt to check with your company's IT group to make sure this type of usage is supported in your organization.  They are the only ones who can tell you definitively if this will work or any gotchas that may encounter.

Good Luck,


#3 2008-09-25 09:35:39


Re: hosting live webcast using connect

Thanks so much for your time.  Just to clarify then - i can simply hook a video camera (ex. my sony camcorder) to my lap top and it will work with adobe connect for a live web cast - assuming ALL other things are in place (firewall, internet connection etc - we do work closely with IT at home, as well as the people at the hotel to make sure the internet connection is dedicated and at an acceptible bandwidth). We won't need any other HARDWARE to attach to the camcorder, like "encoders" or "transcoders" or all these other things I have been hearing about?

Is the "flash media encoder" on our connect servers? Is that where the encoding happens?

This all just gets confusing to me because we access everything from our connect web site -- maybe i am making it harder than it really is.

I will also definitely check out the tutorial you linked me to, thank you for that.

Thanks for your time,


#4 2008-09-25 10:47:50


Re: hosting live webcast using connect

Mandy, there are threads on this site that cover just the compatibility of cameras with Connect Pro.  I've found that if the camera works with Microsoft Instant Messenger, then it will work with Connect (ie. the video input is available from Windows as a video source).  Instead of a webcam (which is typical for instant messaging) I use a USB capture device to take the yellow video-out connection from a regular camcorder into my computer.   Again, there are some that work as a Windows video source and some that do not - YOU HAVE TO TEST IT FIRST.  Even if your laptop has a 'video-in' for your camcorders yellow video plug, it could be using custom software and windows will not pass the video to Connect.


#5 2008-09-29 11:34:01


Re: hosting live webcast using connect

     We use Connect for marketing presentations, demos, and things like that.  Typically we do not use a webcam to show people as we have branch offices that localize our presentations (use other tools to make a .wmv and re-record the audio).  That being said, I have used a camcorder to show hardware for a demo.  I connected to my computer through the firewire connection, and used only the computer and the camera.  I agree that you will need to test it for your specific equipment, but from my experience, it is possible.  The camera I used is a Cannon ZR800.



#6 2008-09-29 11:39:07


Re: hosting live webcast using connect

Thank you everyone for your responses. I have a sony camera, and will test it. I will let you know how it works. Thanks again you have all been so helpful.


#7 2008-10-16 11:18:47


Re: hosting live webcast using connect

For a new user I recommend acquiring a web cam. For $50-100 you will have tried, tested and true equipment that will definitely work with Adobe Connect and your laptop.

You can walk into any consumer technology store - BestBuy, CircuitCity, OfficeMax, Staples, Ritz Camera - and walk out with a web cam that will suit your needs.


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