Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2015-06-10 05:22:56


Seminar room

Hi all,

Im managing a seminar, but I cant due to this message.

"Seminar sessions can only be scheduled on an existing seminar room. Please create a new seminar room first in either My Seminars or Shared Seminars folder"

How can create a new seminar room?. Im in my seminars and Shared seminars folders and I havent  any bottom for create new seminar only duplicate seminar sesion or delete.

Thanks a lot in advance!


#2 2015-06-10 10:48:58


Re: Seminar room


In the Seminars tab, you will find that there are a few options. The Simnar Sessions section is used to schedule a session in a Seminar room. The Seminar room must be created first and this is done in either the Shared Seminars or User Seminars folders, depeding on  your licensing.


I have Seminar rooms created in my Shared Seminars folder, and there is a sub folder for each Seminar license you have. You can create new Seminar rooms with the New Seminar Room button.


Once a room is created (or multiple rooms if needed) you can schedule a session in those rooms in the Seminar Sessions tab with the New Seminar Session button.



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