Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2014-10-28 14:32:04


Screen Savers & Offline Recording

Hello All,

I am going to start running many of my meeting recordings through the 'Offline' conversion process. One of the stated best practices is to disable screen savers when running the recording back through the recorder.

Any one know why?

I have read that it is ok to minimize the player during conversion playback...and if that is the case i can't see the screen saver being on the screen causing an issue.

Thoughts on this one?


Connect 9.3...Hosted


#2 2014-10-28 16:35:11


Re: Screen Savers & Offline Recording

I recall that it is because many screen savers are part of the power saving function that will put a computer to sleep. So, the idea being if you turn off your computer, it won't turn itself off, thus disrupting the recording. The actual screen saver shouldn't affect the recording though.


#3 2014-10-29 07:02:38


Re: Screen Savers & Offline Recording

Ah Good! That is what I had hoped!!

I will give this a shot and let it run...and report back on what happens. It would be ideal if the screen saver does not impact, that way i can set the playback to run on another system and multi-task!

As always Jorma...thank you!


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