Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2012-10-10 12:00:11


Connect 9 reporting improvements and SCORM compatibility

I'm looking for more detailed information on the enhancements made in Connect 9 specific to curriculum reporting and SCORM compatibility.  Does this detailed documentation exist somewhere?  Specific questions include:

Do Connect 9 recordings (moved to content / curriculum) still only track launch time or can they also track bookmarks and chapters?

What are the Connect 9 SCORM enhancements? Is it only able to track SCORM files uploaded into content?  If so are there compatible file types or does it work as a wrapper?

Any detailed documentation on SCORM and Connect 9 would be greatly appreciated as well as any detailed information on training management (curriculum) reporting enhancements.



#2 2012-10-10 12:28:54


Re: Connect 9 reporting improvements and SCORM compatibility

Hi Robin,

I'm not aware of any documents that would answer these questions - but I'll ask around.

The new SCORM capabilities in Adobe Connect 9 work in a similar way to the SCORM wrapper that we've hosted on connectusers for the last few years. That means that most of your SCORM content can be uploaded to the content library and used as a standalone course or as part of a curriculum.

From what I understand, there is no support for SCORM content that contains multiple SCO's - however that functionality can be replicated using an Adobe Connect curriculum. Filenames can not contain the '+' character or begin with a number.

In terms of recordings, there have been no changes to how Adobe Connect tracks a recording so I don't believe you can track bookmarks or chapters.



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