Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2012-08-27 08:45:31


Has been released?

i'm an Adobe Connect 8 customer and i've tried to sign up the 30-days trial but the system gives me the access to Adobe Connect version.
Is there a way to try it?
Is it possible, for actual customers, upgrade to 9?


L. Giacomini


#2 2012-08-27 11:03:21


Re: Has been released?

If you have a licensed deployment of Connect, and are current with M&S, you should be able to download the Connect 9 installer from the licensing website.

If you are hosted with Adobe, then you can check your account URL here, … dates.html, for the expected upgrade date.

If you sign up for a Connect trial account, they are supposed to be Connect 9, but I have not verified that yet.


#3 2012-08-27 14:40:26


Re: Has been released?

Thanks for the informations. Now I have the upgrade date.


#4 2012-08-28 05:13:20


Re: Has been released?

We are using adobe connect and we want to upgrade to adobe 9.
Is it very different from adobe 8 SP2 specially on meeting rooms?
Do you suggest to upgrade?


#5 2012-08-28 11:00:53


Re: Has been released?

There are some minor changes to the meeting rooms, but nothing that I would expect to be a big impact to most people's use of them. The big changes are to the events module.

If you are on a licensed deployment, I would personally recommend that you wait until the first service pack comes out for C9. Let the hosted environment vet out the issues with the new release and then you can go from 8.2.2 to 9.1. However, if you are looking for the new features, then make the switch.


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