Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2011-10-25 08:55:14


sidebar video re-size problems


I have Office 2010 with the latest Connect plugin (7746).

Each time I publish a Connect Presenter to our server I seem to have a problem with the
sidebar video whereby it does not re-size correctly to fill the sidebar as it used to before
the upgrade. I know the new Powerpoint plugin is AS3 and we are waiting to upgrade our
Connect server to the very latest but I don't think this is the problem as I get the same resize issues when I publish locally or to a pdf. Sometimes when you slide advanced it even loses the
apect ratio!

Can anyone shed any light on this as I have been publishing for 2+ years with no sidebar video issues until now.

(sidebar video = flv, 320x200 480kbps)




#2 2011-12-01 11:55:30


Re: sidebar video re-size problems

I am having the same issue with sidebar video sizing.  It seems the "postage stamp" size default occurs no matter the dimension of my embedded video:   320 X 240, 240 X 180, etc.    Doesn't matter.  Unfortunately, this causes an unattractive blank space to the right side of the embedded video that I would really like to have filled up. 

I contacted Support, to no avail.

I, too, have the latest versions of everything.  Did you ever figure out a workaround for this issue?  I have run out of ideas.


#3 2011-12-02 03:14:46


Re: sidebar video re-size problems

We have a Platinum support contract with Adobe and after some time on the telephone we have fixed this issue.

The solution is to role back to the 7.06 Presenter powerpoint plugin!

Adobe could find no answer to my probelm and could offer no other solution, indeed they gave no detail as to whether this was a known problem and if they were doing anything about it.

I suspect it is all to do with AS3 support and the fact that Adobe have never made a stable Powerpoint plugin yet!

If you don't need AS3 support then role back but remember to remove IE9 if you have it else Presenter will not register.

Getting the best from Presenter is a steep and painful learning experience that changes with every new release.



#4 2011-12-02 10:41:11


Re: sidebar video re-size problems

Thanks for the response.  At this (unfortunate) point, I guess my next questions are:

* what are the implications, if any, for uploading and posting newly-developed courses onto the latest version of the hosted Connect Pro LMS using the old AS 2.0 / 7.06 version of Presenter?

* is Support required to roll back to 7.06, or is there a simple link or method for doing so?

* per your contact with Support, did they indicate that all this would be fixed in the next release, and if so, approximately when the new release of Presenter would be coming out?


#5 2011-12-02 12:45:38


Re: sidebar video re-size problems

You should be able to continue to use the 7.0.6 and older Presenter content in courses and curriculum without issue. We have lots of content built with the older versions of Presenter and they all still work fine.

The issue you will run into is bringing 7.0.6 or older Presenter content into a live meeting room. Since the room runs in AS3, the AS2 Presenter content may cause the room to become non-responsive.


#6 2011-12-02 15:19:14


Re: sidebar video re-size problems

Thanks, Jorma.

Well that's the rub, isn't it?   If you create any new courseware with customized features (for ex.: expanded sidebar video, customized logo and link, customize loading message, etc.) using the rollback Presenter AS2 PPT plugin  you're "asking for it" if you try to share it in the new AS3 live web conference environment, right?


#7 2011-12-02 16:30:54


Re: sidebar video re-size problems

At this point, yes that is the rub. I suspect most of this will get ironed out over the next few releases.


#8 2011-12-04 23:37:05


Re: sidebar video re-size problems

Hi Rokestah,

That's a known issue in Presenter 7.0.7 and it will be fixed in the upcoming release.



#9 2011-12-08 15:56:10


Re: sidebar video re-size problems

Hi Rahul,

Can you PM me the Bug# for this known issue??

Ravi Tak


#10 2011-12-20 10:06:56


Re: sidebar video re-size problems

I hope this isn't a dumb question, but is this information relevant if I'm uploading PowerPoint presentations?



#11 2011-12-20 12:19:44


Re: sidebar video re-size problems

Hello Kris,

Yes, this issue pertains to embedding video into the sidebar of your PPT presentation and will be evident once you publish (upload) your presentation -- locally, as well as to the Connect server.


#12 2011-12-20 12:49:55


Re: sidebar video re-size problems


Unless you are just uploading a PPT(X) file to the share pod of Connect, and then, no, this issue wouldn't apply to you. If you are using Adobe Presenter and then uploading the output of that to Connect, then you may run into this issue of AS2 vs AS3. However when you upload the PPT(X) file to the Connect room it is converted to an AS3 flash presentation and will work fine.


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