Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2011-06-17 00:41:15


Using the Meeting Room name in a custom pod

What the most effective way to grab the current meeting room name to use within a custom pod application? I've looked through the API guide but it mostly assumes you're trying to access meeting information from an application *outside* of a meeting room, whereas I need to use it from a custom pod within.

Anyone have success doing this?



#2 2011-06-17 01:22:02


Re: Using the Meeting Room name in a custom pod

The Collaboration SDK does not pass the meeting room name right now. If you have a way of getting it through xml api then that should be good enough.
For security reasons the meeting authentication is not passed to collaboration swf and hence you will have to login yourself and get the data from the other way round.


#3 2011-06-17 02:43:26


Re: Using the Meeting Room name in a custom pod

Hmm. So if I create a pod that does a GET or POST request to the API, will the results return to the pod, or will that instead just open a separate browser window?

I somehow need to get data/info about the meeting itself into the meeting so I can manipulate it there.

Thanks again!


#4 2011-06-17 02:44:28


Re: Using the Meeting Room name in a custom pod

You should get the response in the pod itself.  I have used XML api in my own custom pod and it has worked fine for me.


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