Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2011-04-04 17:51:03


checksum capability


New to these forums.  I have a question regarding the ability of Presenter to do some sort of a checksum or md5 integrity check for each slide that it loads within the presentation.   We currently use different software for our e-learning, and we occasionally run into an issue where a user with a not the most stable of internet connections tries to load a slide, and it only half-downloads and they get stuck.    My question is if there is a checksum feature available which can verify the integrity of a slide, and consequently reload a fresh version of the slide automatically, without pulling a half-downloaded slide from the users cache over and over again.   

We currently combat this by just working with the students on knowing how to clear their cache, but we would prefer that our course player could automatically realize that it is trying to load an incomplete file over and over again, and instead of getting the bad one constantly from cache, just try to pull the full copy from the server.


#2 2011-04-12 11:03:52


Re: checksum capability

Have you tried using the "Control Preloading" feature in the Presentation Settings > Quality Tab? I would test the "Download slides completely before playback" option to see if that helps deal with the partial download. Other than that, I'm not sure what you can do.


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