Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2010-11-05 15:44:00


Migrating from single server to cluster

We will be upgrading to v8 soon. Our current v7.5 install is just a single server with SQL running on the same box.

I would like both to upgrade and change this is a clustered configuration (with a separate SQL server) at the same time. Is that even possible? I am not averse to a rip and replace, but my users might be ;)  Just looking to save time if I can...preferably without destroying my entire setup at the same time.

Last edited by **_wsipc-mike_** (2010-11-05 15:44:25)


#2 2010-11-15 18:33:34


Re: Migrating from single server to cluster

Hey Mike,

I did this type of upgrade from 6 to 7 and it was pretty painless (besides getting my load balancing hardware working (whole different story)). 

For the SQL server that should be as easy and doing a DB transfer/backup, just make sure you schedule enough server downtime to  get all the DB info.  A few other tips:

Make sure you have solid backups of your DB
Make sure you have backups of your Breeze server (I know you only need certain folders but in never hurts)
Make sure you firewall admins and load balancer admins have the correct ports open

A few questions:

MSSQL 2005  or 2008?
How many nodes will you have?
Will you just be clustering the Connect servers or also the DB servers?

I don't know if that helped much but good luck!


#3 2010-11-16 10:53:34


Re: Migrating from single server to cluster

Thanks for the tips! After talking with our network engineers and DBA's I think we are going to cluster the web servers but leave the SQL server set-up as is (running on the web server). Seems like a bad idea to me, but we only have <200 user accounts and use Connect most for desktop sharing (not a lot of recorded meetings). I am told that such a small implementation, even if it should double, is not worth the cost of a full-on SQL server license.

I will take your advice into account and let the board know how it goes. Should be upgrading in the next couple of weeks....


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