Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2010-02-05 14:43:14


Creating Quizzes using the radiobutton widget

Hello Fellow Captivate Users,

I just wanted to know if anyone created their own custom quiz using the radiobutton widget and a submit button and if they wouldnt mind sharing how it was done?   I want to create a custom quiz and when the user hits the submit button it will check to see what radiobutton is checked and jump them to a specific slidenumber.  For example. question. does it snow in canada?

a) yes
b) no
c) dont know
d) who cares

when user clicks submit actionscript/javascript will see what radiobutton is clicked and jump to slide 4 or five or whatever.  If anyone can teach me how to do this that would be great.


#2 2010-02-07 11:20:30


Re: Creating Quizzes using the radiobutton widget

Hi there

The Radio Button widget is a bit difficult to use (IMHO). I suppose if I were to try and accomplish this, I would do it using a "less clean" or even possibly kludgy approach.

I would use images of selected and unselected Options. I would hide all the selected images and show the unselected ones initially until the user has made a choice.  Next, I would insert Transparent Text Captions for each distractor and layer Click Box objects over each caption. I would then configure four different Advanced Actions in Captivate that would handle hiding and showing images (to show the user which option was selected as the Widget would). Within the Advanced Action I would also perform any calculations I might need for scoring and I would finally jump to the slide I wanted.

I'm hesitant to mention this as my purpose here isn't to prospect and promote my products. I'm here to help others out. But it seems you might benefit from an eBook that I sell. If you are unfamiliar with creating Advanced Actions, I do have an eBook that is intended to teach you how to use these features by walking you through them. It comes with access to 21 different project source files so that you may pick them apart to see how they were done. If you are interested in that
Click Here.

Cheers... Rick :)


#3 2010-02-20 10:40:19


Re: Creating Quizzes using the radiobutton widget

Hi lfogah and Captiv8r. Good question and very interesting answer . I will check out that book. Infogah I'm also interested in doing somthing similar. Maybe creating the quiz in Flash and embedding it  - using flash frames instead of casptivate slides is another option.
Captiv8r i'm unsure how re-usable your approach would be across multiple projects. It also seems like a lot of work :-) I'd love to know your thoughts on that.



#4 2010-02-20 11:39:58


Re: Creating Quizzes using the radiobutton widget

Hi Andrew

Unfortunately Advanced Actions aren't reusable. HUGE downside, eh?

There is only one way I'm aware of to copy or re-use them. That's to create a project, create the actions, then click File > Save As... and save the project to a different file name. Because it's really the same project, the actions end up in the new version and from that standpoint can be re-used.

Hopefully Captivate next will offer more flexibility in terms of re-use that way.

Cheers... Rick :)


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