Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-04-24 04:23:00


How to ask CONNECT PRO to send invitation from API ?

Hi Gurus,

OK, now that I've managed to create my meeting and add any user throught the API (from my Flex application). I want to ask
The question is : how to use the API to ask CONNECT PRO plate-form to send email invitation to participants?

In the document "Using Acrobat Connect Pro Web Services" there is paragraph called "Invite users to meeting" in chapter 4 "Meeting". But actually - maybe I'm wrong - I' ve the feeling that the steps actually describe how to get the user and meeting informations to prepare an email from our side.

My purpose is to ask  ACP to send the invitation.

Thanks you for your help!

(thanks a lot Andrew and Chris for my previous post!!)


#2 2009-05-05 07:30:18


Re: How to ask CONNECT PRO to send invitation from API ?

Hi there !

Anyone has any idea? Feel helpless...

Thanks in advance!


#3 2009-05-07 03:47:47


Re: How to ask CONNECT PRO to send invitation from API ?

Dear Philippe,

even the Administration GUI does not send an invitation email directly, but prepares a message in your client program, so maybe the direct sending of invitations is not supported at all in Connect (and so in the API).
But it is only an hypothesis.
Waiting for other experts to reply...

Rergards from Lorenzo


#4 2009-05-07 04:00:05


Re: How to ask CONNECT PRO to send invitation from API ?

Hi Lorenzo,

Thanks! Basically I want to prepare the information of the email invitation locally, pass the parameter to API to ask Acrobat Connect to send the invitation.

Waiting for experts to reply as you said ;-)



#5 2009-05-13 12:59:43


Re: How to ask CONNECT PRO to send invitation from API ?

PhilippeDRCA, I'm curious why you would need ACP to send the invitations rather than your email client? If you are looking for a solution that wouldn't require having an email client installed you may have some luck using Gmail or some other webbased email API. I'm just not sure what the advantage is in having ACP send the invites.


#6 2010-01-14 15:38:37


Re: How to ask CONNECT PRO to send invitation from API ?

This is right on topic for me.  I am evaluating Connect Pro and want to know whether invitations are sent from Connect Pro's mail servers, or whether I have to input my SMTP information in order to send an invitation from within Connect Pro to my contacts.


#7 2010-01-14 22:03:36


Re: How to ask CONNECT PRO to send invitation from API ?

You can take the information from connect and create your own message and pass it to your SMTP server using POP3, however, there is a bit of complexity there depending on the mail server and what type of customization you require.

Do you need to track the emails in a dB?

Do you need to have a record, or allow a third party to pull up the sent emails?

Will you need a record in Connect?

Unfortunately there is no simple solution to your question (unless I don't understand your needs), however it can be done.  I would suggest that you utilize your third party application to generate and manage your emails and only work with Connect for data pass through and management, it's what we do and it offers much greater flexiblity.



#8 2010-01-24 00:26:26


Re: How to ask CONNECT PRO to send invitation from API ?

Hi All,

Sorry to reply lately to this thread I"ve initiated :

@BCCAresearch : the advantages of sending invitation throught Acrobat Connect Pro meeting are multiple :
- you don't need to develop your own 3rd-part server
- you don't need to redesign all the email template
- you don't have to deals with spam issue if you use your own smtp server

But, yes, if you have your own 3rd part server, you have more control on what is send:
- customized message
- tracking the reply
- customize the reminder function
- ..etc

Whatever it seems that the ACP API doesn't allow to use to send email so we have develop our own system based on our smtp server.

@Ryan : thank for your information , we came with the same conclusion : there is no simple answer
and developing your own system allow you more control.

I think Adobe has restricted the API capabilities for some security reasons Which is quite understandable.


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