Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2010-01-11 17:30:56


Flash Media Gateway with 7.5

Anyone explain to me what this is and why I would want it? I can't find any documentation on it anywhere.

Thanks. Corey


#2 2010-01-11 18:02:07


Re: Flash Media Gateway with 7.5

The Flash Media Server Gateway that has been implemented into Connect Pro v7.5 enables the SIP enabled telephony (not available in previous versions), as well as utilizing the Speex Codec instead of just simply Flash's codecs.

The reason that this was a breakthrough is because in previous versions of Connect Pro, integrated telephony was only available through certain audio providers. That being said, if your institution already has a telephony bridge in place that is SIP enabled, it too can be directly integrated into Adobe Connect Pro, via the Flash Media Server Gateway. The last key element of the Flash Media Server Gateway implementation into Connect Pro is the fact that with the improved audio features of Connect Pro, attendees can listen over the telephone, or through the speakers on their computer during the session (VoIP or telephone).

I hope that better clarifies.


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