Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-12-22 15:47:09


Connect and Microsoft OCS

Can anyone impart any wisdom, words of caution/praise for the OCS connection in Connect?  Especially the hosted version?  We are looking to move to OCS and I am recommending Connect instead of the alternatives, but my boss is questioning the capability.  He knows Adobe claims integration, but is taking the "Yeah, but does it really work?" line.



#2 2009-12-23 12:32:47


Re: Connect and Microsoft OCS

Hey Kari,

There is no OCS integration with the hosted version of Connect Pro - it's only available to on premise customers.

For the on-prem version, the OCS integration enables an extra pod in the "Presenter Only" area (only presenters and hosts can see the pod) which shows the presence status of everyone that has been invited to the meeting.  You can use the pod to initiate and participate in chat sessions with those OCS users.


#3 2009-12-23 16:41:30


Re: Connect and Microsoft OCS


Thank you for the reply.

What about Connect Pro and OCS in the other direction?  Is it possible to escalate from an IM for phone conversation to a Connect Pro meeting, same as/similar to from an IM session to a phone call?



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