Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2008-04-11 16:06:55


Connect Pro 7?

We received an announcement from Adobe stating that version 7 of Connect Pro would be out soon with an automatic update.  Aside from requiring Flash Player 9, there was not a lot of info.

Does anyone have any information about the new version's feature-set and improvements?


#2 2008-04-16 10:59:35


Re: Connect Pro 7?

No one is sharing info and I can't find out anything about it online.


#3 2008-04-17 09:18:18


Re: Connect Pro 7?

This is a major release for Adobe, so there is a pretty tight lipped policy about features, but know that they are all for the better and have addressed many of the user community's requests and needs for the product.

The only thing I have heard Adobe say publicly about coming features: … php?id=903

Last edited by **_Jorma_at_RealEyes_** (2008-04-17 09:34:09)


#4 2008-04-18 12:32:19



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