Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2012-08-02 01:09:22


Adobe Connect Add-in incompatibily with Chrome 21 browser

Google released version 21 of the Chrome browser on July 31. The default settings on the Windows version of Chrome 21 are incompatible with the Adobe Connect Add-in. For workarounds and more info please see … ility.html


#2 2012-10-01 14:07:12


Re: Adobe Connect Add-in incompatibily with Chrome 21 browser

The "work arounds" are:

1) Don't update Chrome
2) Use a different browser

Can you be more specific regarding what you felt was missing from the explanation page Adobe provided?


#3 2012-10-02 07:45:20


Re: Adobe Connect Add-in incompatibily with Chrome 21 browser

This is not just with Adobe Connect 9--we have similar issue with Adobe Connect 8. We let our users know about the problem with suggestions to disable the plugin or use an alternate browser.
However, at in case my Chrome browser running on a Windows 7 64bit system Chrome still updates itself and then re-enables the plugin. I need to figure out disabling Chrome updates...


#4 2012-10-02 12:34:59


Re: Adobe Connect Add-in incompatibily with Chrome 21 browser

You could provide an alternate link for Chrome users that has /?launcher=false added to it, this will cause the room to launch in the browser and not go looking for the add-in.


#5 2012-10-03 07:32:57


Re: Adobe Connect Add-in incompatibily with Chrome 21 browser

But doesn't launching a room outside of the Add-in makes the Meeting experience much limited? I think that's what … ility.html
is talking about?


#6 2012-10-03 08:17:14


Re: Adobe Connect Add-in incompatibily with Chrome 21 browser

In my case the problem has become worse: Now if I disable the PPAPI plugin then none of the Flash content inside pages get launched; and if I enable the PPAPI plugin then the Connect Add-in doesn't get launched. I think the new behavior is related to some Chrome and/or builtin Flash Player updates within last few days? I have reported the problem to Google Chrome team. Either Adobe or Google need to come up with some solution asap.


#7 2012-10-03 11:03:23


Re: Adobe Connect Add-in incompatibily with Chrome 21 browser

The limitation is basically screen sharing. If you need to use screen sharing the add-in is required. All other functionality should be available without the add-in.

The issue is related to an update from Chrome, and how that browser handles Flash. Adobe is working on a solution and I believe that I heard it was due out with SP1 for C9, but Adobe may choose to release it sooner or later.  The best solution is to use a different browser.


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