Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2011-10-10 13:36:04


Video/text caption/audio narration synching issue

Hi all, new user here:

I've been using Captivate 5 for a few months and am running into an issue.  I have had success using the rollover slidelets to group various items together and use the slidelet timeline to arrange them as needed: usually this consists of a flash animation demonstrating the actions, simplified text captions outlining each step, and detailed audio narration to elaborate on the actions.

What I do not like here is that the user needs to keep hovering over the rollover box.  I dislike the "stick slidelet" fix because it stays there the entire time and it is possible to pause the flash video while the text captions and the audio continue on, fouling the whole thing up.

My questions are these:

- Is it possible to group or create a timeline for a specific group of objects outside of a rollover slidelet?

- Is it possible to trigger a slidelet to become visible and play through a standard button click as opposed to a rollover slidelet?

- Is it possible to time items as part of a conditional/dependent chain i.e. show the video, start the audio, display text caption #1, and then only show text caption #2 when the flash animation/audio reaches a certain point?  I know I can attach the narration directly to the flash animation but the user can still pause that while the text captions continue on.

Thank you in advance!


#2 2011-10-17 15:27:42


Re: Video/text caption/audio narration synching issue


I'd ask this in the Captivate Forums as there will be some real power users there who can help and guide. You can find that forum here:


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