Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2011-04-20 16:55:34


Uploader username

I was wondering if anyone knows if the uploader of a piece of content is tracked anywhere, and if so, if that information is available via the API.
I am interested in knowing what user uploaded a piece of content.
Is this possible?


#2 2011-04-20 22:47:58


Re: Uploader username

Well if the content is uploaded through the meeting then I don't think that is kept anywhere.

For content uploaded through my content in a meeting, it should be possible, but you will need API access for that one and it will not be a direct api. You will need to run multiple of them to track back the id of the person who has this content in his own 'My Content'.

I will come back to you on this one. I can't formulate one now.


#3 2011-04-21 09:54:15


Re: Uploader username

Thanks for the response ssahai. I am meaning uploading content as an administrator with the Content tab in the admin interface, not during a Meeting. I'm not sure if that is tracked or not.


#4 2011-05-04 22:14:24


Re: Uploader username

Firstly, content uploaded during a meeting is stored with the meeting.  Go to you Meeting in Connect central and select Uploaded Content.

As for tracking content uploaded directly to connect central, the only was to know who uploaded it is to check the User Content folder (then by user). If uploaded to Shared Cintent, i don;t think there's a way to track it.



#5 2011-05-05 16:07:45


Re: Uploader username

I know that if you search for content using the Custom URL search feature of the Admin section, it tells you who the "owner" of that content is. So, that would lead me to believe that the uploader's ID is tied to the content, though I'm not sure how you would get it through the API's.


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