Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2010-12-14 12:23:58


Issue with intercall telephony adapter on SSL - AC7.5 SP1


We are using the following callback URL:

Client Callback URL - >http://[external-hostname or IPaddress]:9080/servlet/intercall/CCAPICallbackSOAP

I have replaced the [external hostname or IP address] parameter of the INTERCALL_CLIENT_CALLBACK_URL setting with the external hostname

We have an edge server (used as a reverse proxy), a load balancer and 2 origin servers.

I am providing the host name as the FQDN of the edge server as I don't want to expose the load balancer or the origin servers. The set up works if I directly specify the load balancer's FQDN but it doesnt work if I change it to edge server. We get the audio error (500 internal server error from the servlet)

We have implemented SSL using STunnel.

Anybody having any idea if we should use a different callback URL or a different port? or any other advice?




#2 2010-12-14 16:47:12


Re: Issue with intercall telephony adapter on SSL - AC7.5 SP1

spoke to Adobe and this is resolved as follows:


1) Make edge server listen on 9080.

2) Add redirect so that edge redirec traffic on 9080 to Origin VIP:9080.

How to implement step 1 and 2:


1)      On edge machine, in <breezeEdegeServerInstall>\edgeserver\conf\config.ini added entries for ports on which edge listens as follows:


2)      On edge machine, in <breezeEdegeServerInstall>\edgeserver\win32\conf\_defaultRoot_\adaptor.xml, add entries to map edge:port to origins:port as follows:

<Redirect enable="true">


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