Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2010-11-05 10:44:14


Ok to delete connect\content\temp folder contents?

We have a 2-node Connect 7.5SP1 cluster with external shared storage that is generally working fine. However, disk utilization on the nodes has been steadily increasing, despite having the content cache size set at 40%.

So today I got around to investigating the disk utilization on the nodes and found that the connect\content\7 folder is in fact an appropriate size (just over the 40% value). But the connect\content\temp folder on each node is 15-20GB, with folders dating back to the installation nearly a year ago all the way through today.

Shouldn't Connect be cleaning up these temporary files after use? Any ideas why it isn't?

Is it safe to delete the contents of these temp folders? (Maybe everything older than a week.)

Any insight appreciated.


#2 2010-11-28 18:16:53


Re: Ok to delete connect\content\temp folder contents?

Yes, this is a known bug.

You can stop all services, backup temp folders, then delete them. Start up services. You'll be back up and running.


#3 2010-11-29 10:08:13


Re: Ok to delete connect\content\temp folder contents?

Thanks for the response, Matt. I should have followed up earlier -- I already did just as you suggested and have had no ill effects.



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