Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2010-06-23 10:48:01


Retrieving a list of invited AND attended users?

I see how I can pull a list of users who attended (report-meeting-attendance) but it does not include those who did not attend but were invited (as the name implies).

Is it possible to pull both these pieces of info with a single report query? What about just a report of those who were invited and did not attend? Thanks.


#2 2010-06-28 13:55:02


Re: Retrieving a list of invited AND attended users?

Hi Ryan,

Assuming that your invitation list is added through the ConnectPro Central web application (the embedded swf widget), you can use the 'permissions-info' XML API to return a list of all the invitees and passing in the appropriate filter.  Here's an example of how to return all participants with 'participant', 'presenter' and 'host' permissions: … =mini-host

This returns the following XML payload:

<status code="ok"/>
<principal principal-id="612130066" is-primary="false" type="user" has-children="false" permission-id="host" training-group-id="">
<name>Quinn Wong</name>
<principal principal-id="612901954" is-primary="false" type="user" has-children="false" permission-id="view" training-group-id="">
<name>Test User2</name>
<principal principal-id="612948450" is-primary="false" type="user" has-children="false" permission-id="mini-host" training-group-id="">
<name>Test User</name>

You can use this in conjunction with 'report-meeting-attendance' to get a list of those who were invited and those who actually attended.

I am not aware of a way to pull both pieces of info with a single query.   



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