Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2010-05-26 13:57:38


LMS Customization Settings

Does anybody know what these two options are circled in red on this image? Thanks


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#2 2010-05-26 16:06:30


Re: LMS Customization Settings


"Never Send Resume Data" is intended to prevent any kind of bookmarking or storing of how many attempts on the quiz or how the learner answered specific questions from being sent to the LMS for subsequent launches. 

IF this option is checked and the learner has sequentially navigated from slide 1 to slide 5 of 10 slides AND they answered questions on slides 2, 3 and 4...  When they exit the content and then re-launch the content from the LMS - they start off on slide 1 as if they had never been in the file, before. 

IF this options is NOT checked and the learner has sequentially navigated from slide 1 to slide 5 of 10 slides AND they answered questions on slides 2, 3 and 4...  When they exit the content and then re-launch the content from the LMS - they start off on the slide they left off (slide 5) and Captivate remembers how they answered the questions on slides 2, 3 and 4 (if backwards navigation is allowed).

"Escape Version and Session ID" is an AICC-specific option.  If it is checked - rather than sending as part of the HTTP-POST:  "version=2.0&session_id=abc.456"   the POST would look like:  "version=2%2E0&session_id=abc%2E456".

Most AICC-compliant LMSs should be able to handle the un-encoded POST (which is how the AICC documentation originally showed in their examples) however according to the AICC documentation (as the AICC documentation explained how it was supposed to work) the values were supposed to be URL-Encoded.




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