Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2010-01-19 15:07:58


security questions

hi, can you confirm what level of security Adobe has?

system-level security: 128-bit SSL encryption, 128-bit AES/Blowfish encryption, 256-bit AES Verschlusselung

And, is the account deactivated after three failed attempts to enter the correct meeting password?


#2 2010-01-19 19:06:43


Re: security questions

Here's the SSL bit encryption for the Hosted environment of Connect Pro:
^^Click image to see full size^^
As for any SSL encryption bit rates on a Licensed, On-Premise deployment of Connect Pro, SSL would be enabled by the end user on their SSL certificate, meaning that whatever their encryption is would also apply to the Connect Pro account.

As for the account being deactivated, I assume you're referring to logging into Connect Pro or logging into a Meeting Room using your username and password, since logging into a Meeting Room as a Guest using a password is not possible, nor is it possible to password protect a Meeting Room by simply creating one using the interface. I've never heard of Connect Pro locking anyone out after 3 failed password attempts. My best suggestion would be to try for yourself and find out.

Also keep in mind - there is a link on the login page that asks, 'Forgot password?' If the user clicks that link, Connect Pro will automatically email them a link to reset their password, assuming that Connect Pro has their email address.

It is possible however to link the Meeting Room off of a password protected web page, but password protecting a Meeting Room with Connect Pro is not possible.


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