Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2018-03-12 09:56:34


Offline recording (MP4) problem: the window shrinks

Whenever I try to make an Offline recording (MP4), the window shrinks -- and so I get a recording that is weirdly small.  And once it is in recording process, I can't drag the window larger. How do I make the window stay full sized so I get a proper recording?

Any clues?  Thanks!


#2 2018-03-12 10:50:45


Re: Offline recording (MP4) problem: the window shrinks

Assuming you didn't select the Mobile option for the recording size, that sounds like a bug. I'd try checking the Advanced Options box after you select which setting you want the recording to be created at, as this prevents the App from dynamically modifying the recording as it goes, and see if that helps.

If that doesn't fix the issue, you may need to try making the MP4 on another computer or reach out to Adobe Support to see if they have any insight as to what is happening.


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