Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2017-05-15 03:00:23


No video for some participants

One of our hosts reported a recurrent issue : participants video showing as greenish white noise (I would like to upload a picture, but I don't find the way to do that on this forum).

What can host/participants do in such cases ?


#2 2017-05-15 11:53:34


Re: No video for some participants

If they are experiencing issues with video, the easiest resolution is usually to have them launch the Add-in. They can do this by clicking on the Share my Screen button (will prompt the installation of the Add-in without screen sharing) or going to Help > Install Adobe Connect Add-in in the top right hand corner of the room.


#3 2017-05-16 03:11:15


Re: No video for some participants

Thank you for your answer.

To be more precise, the issue is that the cam video from one participant (not all of them) shows as green and black patterns (like a white noise image).

You're suggesting that the user should install the add-in. What user are you talking about ? The host or the participant ?


#4 2017-05-16 15:33:22


Re: No video for some participants

The person who's video is not showing up correctly should install the Add-in and see if that resolves their issues.


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