Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-08-13 14:18:04


Trying out Connect

I am wanting to use Connect in main-land China to help tutor English. I am currently in the states with some friends in Shanghai. We are trying out the free trial but are having some poor results. Most of the users and instructors will be in China. They informed me that there is a lot of slow response and lag when using the software. There seems to be no servers in China hosting Connect.

I need some advice on what to do. Do I look for trying to get an non-hosted lic and host it myself in China? Or is the Connect hosted lic the best option? Is there a work around to get better results from the network of servers for Connect in China?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


#2 2009-08-14 17:56:03


Re: Trying out Connect


As I understand it there is not a server cluster run by Adobe out in that part of the world at this time. This would be the cause of your lag. What you may want to look at is a licensed deployment of connect, where you host your own server(s) and could place them where you need them. This would resolve the latency issues out there for you.


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