Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-06-02 09:48:55


Connect Pro and Fonts


Most of our Corporate PowerPoint


#2 2009-06-02 10:07:17


Re: Connect Pro and Fonts

Instead of just uploading the PowerPoint deck directly to Connect Pro, try publishing the piece with Presenter locally as a .zip file, and then upload the published .zip into the Share Pod.

This method has worked for me in the past, and it preserves the Calibri font, which I tend to use very often.

I hope that helps!


#3 2009-06-03 05:31:01


Re: Connect Pro and Fonts

Wonderful, thank you Jeff, just tried it and it works - thank you so much ! :)




#4 2009-09-04 16:49:51


Re: Connect Pro and Fonts

Any clue on when Connect will simply be able to render Calibri properly?  It is becoming and industry standard font.  It is the default font on some versions of PowerPoint, so I anticipate encountering it more frequently in presentations submitted by my meeting leaders.  The idea of going through this (helpful) suggestion every time is not an appealing one.


#5 2009-09-10 10:26:34


Re: Connect Pro and Fonts

Absolutely agreed that Connect Pro needs to support Calibri and Corbel, which Microsoft is pushing hard. In the meantime, here's another less-than-optimal workaround if you don't want to locally publish your PowerPoint: … blems.html

The short form is to use PowerPoint's 'Replace Font' command to swap Corbel for TW Cen MT and swap Calibri for Gil Sans MT. Those fonts have the closest size and look relationships to your originals, and in most cases you won't have to reformat to deal with new line wrapping and such. Good luck!



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