Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2016-09-01 10:29:40


XML API: Download content of Note Pod


We want to download all notes taken in a meeting using the API. Unfortunately I have not found a way to achieve this. Is this possible.

And I have tried to take notes as a participant but it seems he can only watch the notes. How to have a Note pod for each participant which is not visible to others?

Kind regards,


#2 2016-09-14 11:52:42


Re: XML API: Download content of Note Pod

Hi Sascha

I do this all the time ... but I just copy and paste into MS Word. Works really well.

Also, as a host you can use the pod options (top right corner of the Note pod's title bar, click the icon)  to export the note to RTF format. That method saves all the formatting from the note pod

Participants don't have "rights" to write in a Note Pod. That's reserved for people with "Presenter" or "Host" rights. If you want a participant to write into a note pod, you need to use the Attendee pod to move them into one of the other two categories.

Hope that helps



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