Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2016-06-09 03:32:59


Adobe connect java process is growing in memory

the Adobe connect java process is growing in memory and i am not even using the program and i am not in the meeting rooms the memory grows even if the java process is idle the memory still grows. i tested and left overnight and part of the afternoon and adobe connect java process  grew to 3 GB of memory usage while in idle.

Last edited by bobbeers (2016-06-09 03:35:35)


#2 2016-06-09 15:06:40


Re: Adobe connect java process is growing in memory


That actually sounds pretty good. When looking at my client's servers, the Java process seem to range from 4GB to 7GB while things are idle. Stateful live application do require a large amount or RAM to perform well and have low latency. With RAM being inexpensive it is strongly recommended to have more than the minimum recommended amount available to your servers to ensure good performance.


#3 2016-06-09 19:14:07


Re: Adobe connect java process is growing in memory

ok  i have friend that has adobe connect 9.0 and the java process never grew it only reaches 1 gb and then he has it running for a few days and when its not being used or idle it stays around 1 gb and it doesn't grow when its idle just don't want it to grow to much is there a way to cap the memory or set a limit to how much memory adobe connect can use.

Last edited by bobbeers (2016-06-09 23:33:28)


#4 2016-06-10 11:27:31


Re: Adobe connect java process is growing in memory

Seeing that you are doing an on-premise trial, I'd recomend you talk with your reseller and see if they can set up a meeting with the Adobe Support team to review this issues and identify if there is an issue.


#5 2016-06-10 14:51:36


Re: Adobe connect java process is growing in memory

ok i will talk to them thanks


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