Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-03-06 09:31:11


DB 'blibs' - Connect goes down....

every time our DB server (actually a cluster) is reset, Connect will cease to function.  Even watching the reset process take literally less than a second is enough to bring down Connect.

Is there:
    -- a reason Connect isn't testing for db connectivity, and attempting to re-connect? (shouldn't this be an obvious feature?)

   --  a work around of some kind?  Not all of our DB folks know that Connect (currently) needs to be reset if DB work is done.

This issue is quite a hassle, any help or suggestions are welcome.



** I guess I can't edit the subject -- it should be 'blips'.  oh, well.... ***

Last edited by **_gajett_** (2009-03-06 09:56:37)


#2 2009-03-06 13:22:37


Re: DB 'blibs' - Connect goes down....

Hi Greg,

Answer #1

Connect is testing for DB connectivity.  It is part of a healthcheck it does.  This is the reason it is shutting down (going dormant).  If it fails to get a response from the DB, it retries once more after that and then puts the services in a dormant state.  This is to prevent data loss, data coruption etc. 

In a future release of Connect, these reconnection attempts will be somewhat configurable, and there will be additional support for mirrored DB's. 

Answer #2

There is a misconception out there that the connect services need to be restarted once Connect loses connection to the DB.  This isn't the case. 

What you need to do is go to the "Configuring Adobe Connect" web page.  This triggers Connect to attempt to connect to the DB again.  If it connects then you will be up and going. 

One option would be to automate that process. 
The best method I can think of is to monitor SQL Server.  As soon as SQL Server comes back up execute a script which opens the "Configuring Adobe Connect" page.


#3 2009-07-28 16:48:00


Re: DB 'blibs' - Connect goes down....

Ha! Is that what causes it? I'd wondered why it seemed to come back to life when opening the configuration page without restarting the service. You'd think that trying to get data from the SQL server would also trigger "Connect to attempt to connect to the DB again"...
Any idea of when the "future release of Connect" will be?


#4 2009-07-29 06:34:22


Re: DB 'blibs' - Connect goes down....

aaron_schuyler wrote:

Any idea of when the "future release of Connect" will be?

i believe connect 7 sp3 has begun to address this. 

see the release notes: … _notes.pdf



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