Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2009-01-07 11:19:04


A student cannot continue a training course

When doing a course, a student got a blocked screen due possibly due to a network problem.
He restarted his PC, logged-in again, clicked the "Contuinue" button to continue the course. Then a blank screen appeared, not possible to continue the course.
He logged-in on another PC, same problem.

How can I "reset" this user, suh he is able to re-start this course ?



#2 2009-01-08 11:36:11


Re: A student cannot continue a training course

If you go into his transcript, you should be able to "reset" it for that item (Training, click on course, click on reports, click on By User)


#3 2009-01-08 11:54:12


Re: A student cannot continue a training course

Thanks CBButler - Issue resolved.


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