Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2008-12-11 22:20:47


Access the Q&A pod

In the hosted edition of Connect Pro, is it possible to use the XML API to get a list of questions entered into the Q&A pod during a meeting?  I don't need to know exactly how to do it (I'm a novice and won't be the one developing the actual solution) - I just want to know whether one can get access to these data from the API (or from any other technique, for that matter)?

Thanks in advance for any help...


#2 2008-12-22 11:52:06


Re: Access the Q&A pod

Not to my knowledge.  Licensed versions do support chat-archives which live on the server though, so if you end up going that way, you would have the ability to grab and archive them over time.


#3 2008-12-22 13:46:26


Re: Access the Q&A pod

OK, thanks for the info.  Too bad - it would be a very useful feature...


#4 2008-12-29 19:50:53


Re: Access the Q&A pod

Agreed.  I'd suggest adding it to the suggestions forum, or sending it in directly via the site's feature request app.


#5 2009-01-06 10:45:48


Re: Access the Q&A pod

I know that when we have live webcasts with Connect, we have a Q&A pod that is used.  Once the meeting is over, we go back and pull the questions and give them to the presenters for any additional follow up.  I will see if I can figure out how these questions are pulled.



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