Adobe Connect User Community

#1 2008-11-25 06:22:22


Connect SP1 Installation Problem at the very start


I have did update of Connect 7 to Connect 7 SP1 on various servers but i have 2 servers that are giving the following notification after running the SP1's setup.exe and selecting the language.

Here is the SC:

Here is the URL in the Notification

In short:
It says i need to upgrade the embeded MSSQL server to 2005. But Connect 7 already uses MSSQL 2005 and the technote is about upgrading from 2000 to 2005. This only happened in 2 servers upgrade process and the others upgrade went flawless.

Does anyone having the same issue or the have the solution?


#2 2008-12-11 15:45:14


Re: Connect SP1 Installation Problem at the very start

I'm certain this is a bug in Connect's installation routine to check for the MSDE installation.  I had two servers that were on SQL Express 2005, that when upgrading from 7.0 to 7 SP1 returned this error.

The only solution I found was to uninstall SQL Express, let the SP1 installer reinstall it and then reconnect the database.  You can use the information in that link for the database re-attachment process if you aren't familiar with SQL.


#3 2008-12-13 17:22:46


Re: Connect SP1 Installation Problem at the very start

Connect 7 requires MSSQL2005 Service Pack 2, so best to check if your SQL server is on this service pack.

-- Kay


#4 2009-01-21 11:31:40


Re: Connect SP1 Installation Problem at the very start

Kay is correct.  If you look in the release notes, Connect 7 SP1 requires SQL Server 2005 SP2. 
Connect 7 only required SQL Server 2005 SP1. 

When it comes to the MSDE version, there is no upgrade available.  You must uninstall the old version and then reinstall the new version (included with Connect).


#5 2009-03-26 10:18:10


Re: Connect SP1 Installation Problem at the very start

I have the same problem, except I already installed SQL 2005 SP3 ..I've never had MSDE installed..but it still tells me I have to remove it.
Any ideas?


#6 2009-04-02 07:39:10


Re: Connect SP1 Installation Problem at the very start

The only workaround for this is to change the version registry key for SQL to SQL 2005 SP2.
Other than that, you would have to remove SQL since you can't roll back SP3.


#7 2009-06-15 04:39:30


Re: Connect SP1 Installation Problem at the very start

I have MSSQL SVR 2K5 SP3 installed and got the same error when trying to install Connect Pro SP1.

I opened regedit on the server and navigate to hkey_local_machine -> Software -> Microsoft -> MSSQLServer -> CurrentVersion.

Changing the CurrentVersion Key to 9.00.3042.00 allowed SP1 to install.

Hope this helps someone, I think this should be added to the Install Documentation. If it already is I didnt see it.

Last edited by **_webweever_** (2009-06-15 04:40:07)


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